Clinician & Officer Remote Evaluation (CORE)

The Clinician and Officer Remote Evaluation (CORE) program is a collaboration between The Houston Police Department and The Harris Center. CORE connects law enforcement officers in the field with licensed master level crisis clinicians (LPC or LCSW) via a computer tablet. The clinicians conduct a brief crisis assessment of the patient and assist the officers in determining the course of action to take.

CORE Goals
  • Citizen and officer safety Diversion from jail into treatment when appropriate
  • Better triage of calls
  • Elimination of unnecessary transports to hospital emergency departments
  • Quick and affordable access to behavioral health professionals
CORE Functions
  • Be a resource to law enforcement who are seeking a consult. Available for residents of Harris County who may be experiencing a mental health crisis who are calm and able consent to speak to a clinician through an iPad.
  • Promptly and accurately assess individuals within Houston and Harris County experiencing a mental health crisis to avoid unnecessary hospitalization and incarceration.
  • Services provided are an assessment, coping skills, linkage to services and resources on scene. The individuals who require a higher level of care are transported by law enforcement to inpatient hospitalization.
  • Increase productivity of law enforcement due to having immediate assistance with mental health calls.

The Harris Center is the state-designated Local Mental Health Authority and Local Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD) Authority serving Harris County, Texas. Our vision is to empower people with behavioral health and IDD needs to improve their lives through an accessible, integrated and comprehensive recovery-oriented system of care.

Contact The Harris Center


24-hour Crisis Line: Press 1

Information: Press 2